Thursday, March 26, 2009

Oil Paints & Pastel

Just bought these!!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Portraits prezzie

Fiery_Vel for her Bday


Friday, March 20, 2009



They asked, "Why are you smiling as your love departs?"
To which I queried, "Mayhap I should weep? Wounded I am, indeed not?"

I walked to the balcony and they followed.

I then asked, "My love had left had she not?"
To which they chorused, "Verily far had she gone."

I reached for the moon in yonder sky.

So they exclaimed, "You can never grasp the lady moon!"
To which I replied, "Indeed, I cannot."

I reached out and grabbed.

Again I whispered, "Verily, I cannot. Can I not?"
To which they affirmed, "Verily an impossible task."

I smiled and embraced my love.

And so I whispered, "But alas, I remember the love."
And so they whispered, "We are but mortal shells in the realm of thorns."

I closed my eyes and remembered.
There is no eternity, is there not?
Except perhaps that we once existed?

~ Eterna2

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Demon Jester Faerie

Watercolor Doodles

More sketches during my course

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

More Random Doodles

More doodles in class!!

Dr Manhattan from Watchman! (Censored version, cuz Photobucket removed the original nude version)

A confused Green/Red Hulk!

Paz Eterna Plushie!! Another of my mascot character again!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Random Doodles

Doodled abit during my software engineering course. (yup, i brought my palette to class).

This is Lofy! One of my mascot characters!

My friend said she looks like a taiwanese host (I dunno who, but alot of pple say look like).

Doodled this during my train trip home! This is Novel! One of my mascot characters!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

MAAD OIC Portrait Day - 7th Mar 2009

Drew 12, sold 5... so sad... my favorite ones are all sold... :(






